Nearly all Companies experiencing the the multitude of project work and the scarcity of resources are facing the question of which investment to do with what priority, to what initiative and at what point in time (etc.).
Ideally the company has a strategy and a system of goals and measures (KPIs), with which to measure progress of achievement with. So the initiatives only need to be checked for their contribution to the goals and then (sequentially) for their feasibility concerning available resources. With that the question for priorities in the project portfolio is answered. An adequate and effective portfolio controlling then manages steering and, if necessary, adaptation of the activities and investments.
Did you find some points where your company has a little some catching up to do? An expert for Project Portfolio Management and organization can support you in building up this know-how, targeting coordinates, and an organization and infrastructure to support your portfolio controlling. With his experience and guidance, with processes, templates and tools he helps to ease and accelerate this process significantly and uncover and exploit synergies. This build-up is accompanied by a suitable Change Management, to make the management familiar with the new steering concept.
So project resources are utilized in alignment with company goals, and become plannable and controllable in multi-project situations.